Plattegrond van de Lammert Bies website
- Wie is Lammert Bies?
- Interfacing: algemene info
- RS232 specificaties
- RS422 specificaties
- RS423 specificaties
- RS485 specificaties
- Seriële UART info
- RS232 I/O poorten en IRQ’s
- RS232 flow control en handshaking
- Welke RS232 nul-modem?
- GPIB Interface Bus
- VGA monitor kabel
- HDMI multimedia interface
- Bluetooth interface
- Inleiding in VoIP
- Hayes AT commando set
- On-line CRC berekening
- ASCII tekenset
- Schmitt-trigger ingangen
- Browser Header Checker
- Iptables firewall configuratie
- Modulaire kabels en connectoren
- USB, universal serial bus
- Seriële kabels
- Parallelle kabels
- PLC programmeer- en datakabels
- Zelfbouw elektronica projecten
A 60-day warranty guarantees that the product will self-destruct on the 61st day.